There are now four concert dates in 2024:
Saturday 15th March
Saturday 15th June
Friday 19th July
Saturday 20th July
If you are interested in performing, please download the attached form and return it by Friday 26th January.
We look forward to hearing from you!
MItcheldean Fete Fun Dog Show
The dog show at the Fete on Saturday 15th will take place between 2 and 3 pm (please see the different classes below). There will be a registration desk on the day – for any advance queries please call Penny James on 01594 544144 or 07755 502678.

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our 10th free-to-attend Mitcheldean Festival.
Full souvenir programmes with details of the performers and special events are already available from Mitcheldean Library, and the free advance flier is available to download here – come on down!
June 17th Concert
As the main Mitcheldean Festival comes closer, do join us at the Lamb Inn in Mitcheldean on Saturday 17th June for an early taste of great musical talent – free entry to some great sounds!

This year’s Young Poets & Storytellers Competition 2023 is now launched with the suggested theme “Change” – something we are all very familiar with these days! The deadline for entries is Friday 26th May, and we look forward to receiving and reading them.
Please send your entries typed in Word or neatly handwritten with your name, age on 31.8.23, and school or family contact details to or to Young Poets & Storytellers Competition, Mitcheldean Library, High St, Mitcheldean GL17 0HN.
Details of the 2022 winners can be found here.
Performing in 2023
If you would like to perform at one of our 2023 Festival concerts, please return the APPLICATION FORM by February 19th to the address given. You can also collect a form at Mitcheldean Folk Club on Thursday 12th January or Thursday 9th February, meeting from 8pm in the White Horse.
There will be concerts in the church on the evenings of Friday 14th July and Saturday 15th, with a pre-Festival concert in the Lamb Inn on Saturday 17th June. There will also be music and song sessions over the weekend, with Morris and other dance sides very welcome!
Mitcheldean Festival concerts application form 2023
You can contact us any time via, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Ideas are already beginning to flow for 2023, including an extended tug-of-war competition! The broad structure of the Festival remains the same, including singing in the church on Friday 14th July and Saturday 15th and comedy at the Jolter Press on Sunday 16th. Invitations to concert performers and details of the young poets and storytellers competition will be published after Christmas, meanwhile you are very welcome to come to the Lamb from 7pm on Wednesday 11th January to find out more – Cheers!
Looking Forward to 2023
We’re already beginning to plan for the next annual party, 14th – 16th July 2023!
If you would like to volunteer some of your time to help make the weekend even more of a success, please contact us on, or come along to the Lamb Inn from 7pm on Wednesday 16th November 2022 – all welcome!
Cheers for 2022
Very many thanks to everyone who helped make 2022’s event another great Festival!
More photos can be viewed on our Facebook page – Cheers all!